At kWh Analytics, we’re excited to help make critical societal improvements financially possible.
Our VC investors at Anthemis recently said in a TechCrunch interview, “Our hope lies in changing the way new energy projects are financed, and this is one of the reasons we were excited about kWh Analytics. I donʼt think many VCs get it, but itʼs about infrastructure finance. And with infrastructure finance, youʼre talking about trillions of dollars and a whole new infrastructure to convert it from a specialist finance product to a commodity product. We saw in kWh Analytics a piece to solving that puzzle.”
We have structured Solar Revenue Puts on over $500 million of solar assets, combining data analytics and financial innovation to make solar more competitive. What that means:
Below, you’ll find select highlights from this quarter. And as always, reach out with any questions on solar risk management.
Richard Matsui
Founder & CEO